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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Tuesday 2 June 2009

"Grumpy Old Women" - BBC2

I'm not entirely sure whether or not this was meant to be a comedy but I found it outrageously hilarious. The programme revolves around a group of "grumpy old women" who are complaining about the world they live in (or something like that?).

It begins by talking about meetings and how men love them but women don't - the "reason" being men don't have any work to do and use meetings as a filler in their day. Anyone who knows anything about meetings will appreciate the fact that project managers use meetings as a way of making sure people are doing whatever it is that they are meant to be doing but also as a means of focusing, brainstorming and providing motivation. To be fair to the grumpy old hag, it was probably her time of month so we'll let her of for talking nonsense.

A few of my favourite catchphrases from the program (I couldn't possibly include them all!) are:
1. "Sometimes it's at 1830, sometimes at 1730 and sometimes at 1500 - it's completely arbitrary" - with regards to parking restrictions. Someone needs to point out the big luminous signs with instructions on to the old hag.
2. "It's senseless - holes in the road that are dug up and then filled in again over and over again" - with regards to roads. The old hag clearly hasn't heard of road maintanance.
3. "What makes me really angry is when my family doesn't plump up the cushions at the end of the day" - with regards to what really hacks them off. This old hag just made me laugh :)

All in all, the comedy furthered my view that feminism is a shambles and that woman are on the whole laregly obtuse.

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