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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Friday 12 June 2009

RMT Strikes

My understanding of the strikes are that two people got suspended. The reason one of them got suspended was for opening the doors of the carriage on the wrong side and then not carrying out the appropriate safety checks to make sure no one had fallen/got injured - oh, and then denying it. Yes okey mistakes do happen but in all fairness you should try and rectify it by carrying out the safety checks.

So while I was stuck on a platform in central London with a load of commuters, it occurred to me that it would surely be far easier to drive the stupid trains then organise a strike (which was relatively ineffective given that about half the trains were running). Normally I don't like to claim for a refund when I am delayed as I feel it's not really anyone's fault (most of the time) - and I guess the more money you take from London Underground the more time it's going to take to upgrade their networks and what not. But Thursday wasn't one of those days, and I can point my finger of blame to the moron who thankfully is no longer driving our trains. "Moron" may be a bit strong but had someone died as a result of the mistake, any thoughts of a strike taking place would soon have been dispelled. Why do we look upon the situation differently due to nothing but sheer luck.

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