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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Monday 16 March 2009

Apartheid in Seth Efrica

I am currently reading Alan Paton's Cry, The Beloved Country and came across this extract which I thought to be quite powerful:
What we did when we came to South Africa was permissible. It was permissible to develop our great resources with the aid of what labour we could find. It was permissible to use unskilled men for unskilled work. But it is not permissible to keep men unskilled for the sake of unskilled work.
It was permissible when we discovered gold to bring labour to the mines. It was permissible to build compounds and to keep women and children away from the towns. It was permissible as an experiment, in the light of what we knew. But in the light of what we know now, with certain exceptions, it is no longer possible. It is not permissible for us to go on destroying family life when we know that we are destroying it.
It is permissible to develop any resources if the labour is forthcoming. But it is not permissible to develop any resources if they can be developed only at the cost of the labour. It is not permissible to mine any gold, or manufacture any product, or cultivate any land, if such mining and manufacture and cultivation depend for their success on a policy of keeping labour poor. It is not permissible to add to one's possessions if these things can only be done at the cost of other men. Such development has only one true name, and that is exploitation.
... The truth is that our civilization is not Christian;
There was another passage which I have not written out here but in that, the one phrase that really stuck out was, "we believe in help for the underdog, but we want him to stay under".

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