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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Thursday 26 March 2009

A Tribute to Sagar

Perhaps the only event we can ever be sure of in this world is our eventual demise. Death is indiscriminate and uncompromising. Death, like both the Matrix and God, is all around us. And though people attempt to evade it - it is without doubt ineluctable. It's been a week (today) since he was taken from us...

I first met him when he came to DC - he was in my form and economics set. From the very first time I spoke to him I knew there was something different about him. It wasn't his charming character, or his overwhelming generosity. Nor was it his subtle lisp, or how he managed to include at least one word in each of his sentences that made absolutely no sense. (His favorite being "grimy" or "dizzy"). I think perhaps what it was, is that every time I looked at him, he was either smiling or laughing hysterically. And his laugh wasn't a normal laugh - nothing about him was "normal". He had one of those infectious laughs so that whenever he laughed, there would always be a crowd of people around him laughing too.

At the beginning of year 12, I remember we used to take his bag when he wasn't looking and pass it round the classroom without drawing BL's attention. This lasted approximately two weeks; each lesson he would attempt new ways of protecting his bag and each lesson we would think up new ways of taking it.

Initially I don't think BL was too fond of him, but as time went by I think he warmed to him - as we all did. He was the type of person who it was impossible to dislike once you got to know him. There really was something quite magical about him. Sure enough, he soon became one of us.

He was the type of guy who set goals for himself and then worked hard until he met them. He never thought any goal was beyond him and to him, the glass was always half full. He managed to achieve a phenomenal 4 As at A Levels (which surprised even me!). But he was that kind of guy - always saying or doing the unexpected. Conforming to the norm just wasn't him. He was the embodiment of "carpe diem" though I have my doubts he would know what that meant.

Browsing through his facebook I found a picture of him wearing a t shirt on which was emblazoned the words "2 young to die"...

It does make you think though. I once thought that the most important thing was getting all As at A Level and so on and so forth. But when you look at the bigger picture, all that really matters is for each one of us to be the best person we can be.
Each day we have is a blessing so let's make the most of it - because life is too precious to let it pass us by.

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