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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Tuesday 17 March 2009

If I were the Mayor of London...

I was informed by a friend of mine the other day that Earl's Court station is on the border of Zones 1 and 2 (which I was surprised to find out!). He went further to say that if one were to travel into central London from Earl's Court the oyster card would treat it as if it were in Zone 1, yet if you were to travel towards Zone 6 then it would treat Earl's Court as being in Zone 2 and perhaps more critically - charge you accordingly (which I was even more shocked to find out!).

I think this is an absolutely fabulous arrangement and "If I were the Mayor of London..." I would extend this to include even more stations such as High Street Kensignton, Bayswater, Royal Oak, Kilburn High Road, South Hampstead - to name but a few. As far as I see it, this system would benefit everyone as it is only when one crosses Zones that the cost drastically increases.

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