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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Gen Debt

Forget Generation X and Gerenation Y: we and our future children are now being labelled "generation debt" due to the reckless spending and prior mis-management of the UK government. I was rather amused to watch the "debt counter" on Sky News (started on 06/04/09 at 0700) rising at a rate of £4,800 per second which brought back memories of the National Debt Clock in Times Square running out of place holders. I'm sure, assuming I do one day land myself a job, I won't find it as entertaining in years to come.

I also think it somewhat hilarious that the government wants schools to teach their pupils about money and debt. The words "pot", "kettle" and "black" all spring to mind...

But what prompted me to write this post was this: Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society'. It looks like if the UK economy does make it through this r******** alive, it will be the Moslems who will be paying for its stupidity...

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