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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Thursday 2 April 2009

The Loo: anhabitable abode?

I've never kept a dustbin in my room. I always thought the concept of living and sleeping in the same room as a pile of rubbish was rather bizarre. It's the animal equivalent of sleeping next to a pile of your own excrement (sorry to put it so crudely).

In the summer of '07 we renovated the house - an event that hadn't taken place in our house until that year. Aside from changing the carpets & wallpaper and planting spotlights in every conceivable place, two major developments took place. One was to combine the kitchen and dining room into one large kitchen/dining room and the other, was to bring the garage indoors and divide it into two. The back half would serves as a utility room for the kitchen and the front was to be transformed into a cloakroom.

What is great about the now new cloakroom is that not only is it large and spacious, but the sun's rays flood through it's huge windows from morning till dusk. This is why I have chosen it as my new revision spot. I figured the change of scenery and sunlight (not to mention the unparalleled crisp radio signal obtainable from that room) might do me some good. And I think it has.

"Why are you telling me this?", I hear you cry. Well I reckon up to now you're thinking things like, "that's wonderful", "good for me", oh and of course, "why are you telling me this?!". Well the cloakroom contains a loo in one corner of it, next to which is positioned a washbasin. Some may even argue the room was a purpose built toilet!... I don't get what is so "unimaginable" about working there. (At this point I should point out that I don't use the loo that's there!). The way I see it, if you are prepared to live along side smelly socks, snot filled tissues, dead insects and other such material... what's wrong with working in close proximity to a large bowl full of clean water. Stop being such loo-haters!!

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