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I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Friday 3 April 2009

Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll

Three things which "my" religion prohibits. Personally, I do not believe that my religion does prohibit these things but such is the twaddle uttered by people with turbans and big beards. Before I proceed any further I should clarify:
1. Sex outside marriage: not allowed under any circumstance (pre-marital sex: punishable by 100 lashes | adultery: punishable by stoning to death)
2. Drugs (the "intoxicating" sort - which I guess is just about all of them?): again, not allowed..
3. Rock 'n' Roll (or anything that vaguely resembles music): you guessed it - not allowed.
But the purpose of this post isn't to insult islamic jurisprudence - for that there will be plenty more posts. My real question is concerning the morality of the three aforementioned "sins".

A "religious" man would put sex at the top of the forbidden tree, then drugs about half way down and music near the foot of the trunk. A "rational" man would put drugs at the top of the tree and probably not even hear you mention sex and music. Drugs have irreversible side effects, sex (the protected kind) doesn't, and as for music... I can't even begin to take that suggestion seriously.

What does it even mean to lose your virginity? For a guy... not much (not that I would know..). For a woman, there is the possibility that her hymen may break (if it has not already broken naturally). Okey, big deal? Compare this on the one hand with sepsis, lung cancer, and the probable life-long addiction to drugs (with the possibility of a life of crime to fund the addiction). Not to mention the drug-specific side effects such as hallucinations etc.

Yes, the religious man does speak of such things as "sanctity of marriage" but let us not forget the christian religious man may well be a gay/paedophile clergy member. As for the moslem religious man, what is sanctity of marriage when all love making is to be done on your terms and your terms only. Oh, and let's not forget that you are entitled to as many concubines as you can afford*. Celebrites these days are swapping spouses faster than ever before. The sanctity of marriage, if ever there was any, has been extinct for many years now.

Why then, despite knowledge of the above information, would the religious man rate sex outside of marriage a deadlier sin than drugs?

*It should be noted that concubinage is not unique to Islam; the Bible records that King Solomon and King David both had concubines, and it is recorded in other cultures too.

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