About This Blog

I would write something sensible-esque here but the I'm just not that sort of person - sorry!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

1st Things 1st

No more junk food. A healthy body equals a healthy mind.

My new breakfast plan (hopefully until next September+ but for now let's make it less daunting by saying until end May) is a choice between:
1. An omlet (unlike the 4 egg ones I'm used to, I think 2 eggs will be max.)
2. Porridge (I hear it's good for you. Can you have too much of a good thing? Well I sure hope not...)
3. Weetabix with museli (again, nice healthy stuffs)

And for lunch I plan to have a selection of fresh fruit daily, kindly cut for me by my dear mother. They will include:
2x banannas
1x apple
1x pear
(a few)x grapes/strawberries

For dinner, I will be eating at home everyday. No more going out, no more fast food and above all - no more samosas!

As for fluid intake, I will be cutting out all forms of juice/other and will be sticking to mineral water and goats milk.

this ought to be a laugh... :-)

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